We are monitoring the shifting COVID-19 situation closely and are watching for regular updates from the Provincial Government and the Government of Canada.
We are a STRONG COMMUNITY and we will get through this.
Now that social distancing has been advised whenever possible to minimize the spread of the virus, many people will be spending more time alone in self-isolation, telecommuting, and staying away from public places. This could lead to feelings of disconnection and loneliness. It’s important to remember that we are a community and we are in this together.
Here are some tips to stay in touch with your family and friends while keeping yourself and others safe:
Have a phone date with your friends. Use Facetime or Zoom to check-in with family. Check in over text. Get some fresh air and invite a neighbour along. Getting outside is still safe and encouraged if you are symptom-free. Make a game of having coffee with your neighbour over the fence. Sports like tennis and playing catch are great options to be active and at a distance. Keep in mind those friends and neighbours how may be particularly impacted by isolation or lack of resources. Now is a good time to start a contact phone list or facebook group in your community of folks that need extra support. This can also be a great way to stay connected and share resources.
Feeling connected is vital to our well being. Reach out and let people know you’re thinking about them. Please get your information and only share information from factual, reputable sources (Province of NB, Health Canada)
Full list of ways to reduce the risk here > http://bit.ly/2x8f4Wr
Local agencies with up to the moment info > http://bit.ly/33s275T
Please note, Canadian Mental Health Association of New Brunswick will be holding a live chat to talk about healthy relationships and also about how to cope with social distancing and feelings of stress and anxiety, especially during this time. Tune into their Facebook and Instagram Today, Tuesday March 17th at 6:30pm.